Indonesia - Jordania Video Conferences
18.46.00Hey guys! Welcome back!
First of all, I want to say that I'm really sorry that I haven't posted anything this week and also last week and the fact that I didn't post about "How To Sleep Better" that I've already promised will up last week. I won't tell you the reason why, cause you know, it's the same reason. But for today post, I want to share my experience of me doing video conferences with a school in Jordanian, which is American Digital School Jordanian.
At 15th February 2017, which is today my school is having a chance to do another video conferences. why did I say another? cause my school actually has done it before. The first video conferences my school did was with the school from Pakistan and India. Even when it's the second time for my school, it's still my first time to do something like this. And you can say that I really nervous, and yes I am. I was very nervous even before the day I will do it. But cause I really wanted to join this video conferences really bad, I finally decide to let go my nervousness.
From my school, we have 14 students, and from Jordanian school, they have like maybe 10 students (I'm not really paying attention to how many students that join this VC). The video conferences with Jordanian was really fun. We talk about a lot of things that related with our community, which is our school community. At first, the moderator orders each student from each school to tell each other about each community, about what they like or what they dislike and what they want to change about their community. At this session I also take a chance to say what I like about my school community, I told them that I like my community cause every member of my community is really friendly even we came from a different generation. And I can tell you when I said those things, I was really nervous and my heart is beating so hard,
We then continue to discuss a lot of things in each community. We also ask each other about things we really wanted to know. And one question that really interesting for me is "How do you stop bullying in your school?" That's a really GREAT question, and I wanted to give my opinion about that here, cause I didn't get the chance to say my opinion on the VC.
So first, I know that bullying is a very bad thing that could happen to everyone, not just in school but also in society. How my school stop bullying, is giving the on who do bullying a punishment. The punishment depends on how hard that person does bullying to others. But my school didn't do a physical punishment. The hardest punishment for a student in my school is when the school called your parents to school. But fortunately, as far as I know, there's no bullying in my school. I really grateful that every people in my school are like a family so all of us really respect other even we have a lot of differences. Talking about bullying, I really don't know why a lot of people still do that thing. Bullying is a very bad thing to do, especially for students. I think every student shouldn't do any kind of bullying outside or inside the school. Cause from my point of view bullying could give a lot of bad effects not just for the victims of bullying but also the one who do the bullying. We shouldn't do bullying to all people all over the world, let's just respect the difference and live happily together.
Anyway, having a VC with American Digital School Jordania was a GREAT experience. I'm happy that I could join this VC, cause I could learn about their community, their school, their culture and having new friends. Talking and exchange our own opinion and accept every people opinion even it's different with ours was a great thing. It was good to talking to all student who joins VC from Jordania. And I hope we will have one like this again another time. And I hope by that time my speaking will much better than today! Anyway, thank you for having time to talk to us! It's really good experience! Thank you.
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