Updating | Tristansha's Stories


Hey guys! And Welcome back in this lovely Blog!!

What's up? 

Hahaha yes, I know it has been a long time since my last post. Reason? you know school and task. You know what guys, School schedule has been crazily crazy by the start of this 3rd semester. So I actually have a lot of time to do something in blog, but since inside my head is just school and tiredness, so yeah, I got no idea even one to write. 

Speaking of school, now I'm in my 3rd semester, and it's CRAZY. I don't know why I felt like that, but I just think that this is pretty crazy. There's a lot of new things in this 3rd semester. A lot of new classmate as well. Since I got a lot of new things, I think it's crazy. And it's perfectly crazy to just remember how fast time flies.

A little throwback, if you still remember, last semester I was in this class called 8, yes and I personally found a lot of comfortable feeling there. To be honest, all the person there, just I don't know how to say it but it makes me comfortable, cause they often talk about lot of things that I like. Like I just happy being there, and friend with them. Yes I like to be there, but there's something I can't take in life, right? And there's something called "fear" in this world.

Being in that class, mean you have to go faster than others, and have no fear to face the world. The REAL WORLD not just your teenage world, and something called DREAM. And I don't know why, I suddenly have this kind of fear, fear to face the world and fear to go fast, and all of my fear have eaten me alive until today. Not today, but that day. I decided that I want to go, leaving all that dream to go faster than anyone. Leaving all of those friends that I like talking to, leaving a lot of things tbh.

Now, I'm in different classes, again. In my dream classes when I was in first semester tbh. But I feel strange. I'm perfectly a stranger. I probably know lots of people in this classes, but my feeling, not same anymore. I have to adapt with all of new situation, new classmates, new system of studying, and all that new stuff I can't tell here. Some changes may can make people feel like a NEW PERSON, but not for me, I feel like I trapped in this situation of me feeling perfectly alone in a crowded places. YES I'M STUCK and YES I HATE THIS FEELING.

I want to go along with everyone, but somehow, what are they talking about isn't something that catch my interest, so myself just kinda let it go. Or I sometimes, only listen but do not talk. From today to infinity, I hope I can get along with people faster, and enjoy every situation I have. And I don't want to regret something I've decided, it's my own choices I'm in this classes, so yes, I have to like this love this and ENJOY this.

For my former classes, thank's for all of your Motivation, help and everything you've done to me and it clearly change me, but it's okay people changes right?
For my new classes let's work harder, I know the system now is kinda suck and really tiring. But let's stop complaining and start doing!

I think that's it, thank you for read! Hope you enjoy! Sha.

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  1. Halo kak, ini Meong. Masih inget kaaan? :D

    Inggrisan kak, Meong kurang paham. Ini aku bacanya dibantu sama Kak Mike :D

    Iya, emang kalau semester/kelas baru pasti suasana baru, kak. Tinggal tunggu waktu aja, pasti bisa adaptasi kok :D

  2. Life changes time by time. Yet sometimes we can't deal with the changing. Here we need adaptation skill. It's not easy, but we just need to try to get involve in there. anyway, finding someone who can encourage us is important.

    Salam kenal. Nice post!!



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