Letter To Your Self.


Hi! Welcome back!

This day, I just think that there's actually a lot of things we should talk to our self. And we sure have lot's of dreams lot's of something that we need or we want to achieve. AND YES we need to talk to our self.

This idea come when I'm at school. No, I'm not that popular kid who always has friends to talk to when they're alone, I mean ofc cause they never alone. And I'm not that kind of kid. I'm this kid who like to just be alone for some while, think about lot's of things others may not think about. I sometimes think about the universe, or maybe what will I gonna be, or for the most simple thing, what will I do after this.

I usually think a lot about what I gotta do, or what I will be tomorrow, or 2 days later, or even 200 days later. And I always bunch of things to say to myself when I do some like that. I believe, that every people always have this side of them that they really proud of, even they don't want others to know, but they sure have that kind of thoughts, all of us have that.

From my point of view a letter to our self, can be something to look back as a mirror. The thought of proud to your own self, can make you cocky, and you should've never been. So I think, 1 or 2 letters for your self can help you, can help me.

We don't want to be an arrogant human, cause see, who are we? We're just HUMAN like others, how could a human being arrogant to other human? Like that's dumb. So letter to our own self, I think can me our mirror in the future. When all of us get what we want, and we read our letter we made in 100 days before, we can look back how sad are we before we get to this point, or even how small are we before we be a big human like today.

With a letter to our self, we can help our own soul to keep humble. We never know what the future will bring, but being a humble human must be our destination in life. The success day sure will come to us, but how we face that, is the most important thing in our success. Success doesn't mean you have to act arrogant, nope but success is when you still feel like nothing when you're everything. Cause for me, when I feel like nothing I will stay study about lot of things, but once I make myself think I'm everything, I will stop doing things, cause I think I'm the best. And that thought is the thought that will make you stop, and fail.

So I suggest you all and my own self to make our letter to our own self. You can make a letter for 10 days after today or 100 days after today, that's up to you. But make sure to write all things you can look back after lot's of day pass, write all thing that can make you realize how much work you've done and how much struggle you've done, in order to make our self humble and always be thankful for what we have today.

-Stay humble and study lot's of things. Cause all of us just a dust in this massive Universe-

(Tristansha, 16 years old)

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