Positif and The 5th Semester (ACAKAN LAGI)



Happy new year for all of us guys! I know it's kinda late, but it's okay instead of nothing at all kan ya hehehe. Gimana awal tahunnya? I hope everything went well yaaa, aamiin. Awal tahun ini, menjadi pengingat buat aku bahwa masa SMA ku bakalan segera berakhir, bahkan gak sampai full 6 bulan lagi. My last semester in high school has come! Which means, bulan bulan kedepan bakalan diisi dengan banyak tryout, dan another ujian ujian. Wish me luck, you guys!

Semester terakhir ini, ternyata kelasku diacak, iya lagi lagi wkwkwk. Rasanya jadi kaya kelas 10 lagi, baru satu semester udah diacak. But if it's for the good then it's okay kan ya hehehe. My latest classes were called Positif, I don't really remember artinya but I know there are meanings behind the name. So, let me tell you a little bit about it, stay tuned~

A lot has happened in my 5th-semester, and I think I can say that at this semester, I've hit the new low. Banyak banget unexpected things happened di semester ini. To be completely honest, banyak banget pegolakan batin yang terjadi :( (alay woi). Ya pokoknya gitu. I don't want to say kalo semester ini maybe the hardest one, but that's exactly what I said.

Despite how hard it was in 5th-semester, I'm grateful that there is a lot of my friend standing behind me to support, thank you so much. And the fact that I also have the chance to know a lot of friends, I can say I was happy for this part of the semester. Especially for my class, Positif. Well, to be honest, I really grateful for being in this class, and got to know the people inside of it. I may didn't really show it or I may showed different things from what I wrote here, but honestly, it was a good time to spent with you guys my 5th-semester class. Tapi ya jujur saja, stress and sadness telah datang dihidupku semester lalu, and if I say that it wasn't hard, I know it'll be a lie, so yeah.

Berada di Positif mungkin hal yang sangat tak syukuri, karena ya most of the people aku udah kenal juga wkwkwk, and it was a great class sih. Even tho I didn't say this thing much, but for real, I thankful for this class, and leaving it, maybe not a really good feeling, cause we only know each other for short period of times, but it's for the good (once again). Positif has taught me a lot of things and showed me a lot too. There were things I didn't know before and this class showed me. There were also so many ups and downs in this short period of time, that made all of us learn that friendship is the strongest relationship besides family and that we had each other back for most of the time.

Lastly, for my fellow, Positif. Thank you so much for the time we've shared in the 5th-semester. Thanks for filling my semester with colorful stories. Happiness may not be our real colour, but there won't be happy if you never shed tears. I just really grateful to know you guys, and become friends. It was a really good time. I'm sorry if I wasn't a good friend for you, but please know that I've tried. I feel bad for not saying that I grateful and admire you guys as a friend in our short time. I didn't realize that the 5th-semester came to the end that soon until I wrote this down.

My fellow, this year is our last year in high school, so please if you feel like life is getting harder, hold on a little. Let's give the best as the reward for our 3 years in high school. It has been a great journey and giving it up won't make us happy. Let's work harder in the future and go to University this year. Don't cut the rope yet, and let hope for the best. Your future is waiting for you,

love, Tristansha.


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  1. It's so good to read this, sist. I hope you will success and be the better person every day and every seconds. You've passed one of beautiful journey, and i hope i do too. I'm happy for your happiness and i will pray for the best of you. Fighting for UNBK and the university. Break a leg!!!

    Your supporter of fight, Afnatar_

    1. AWWW it's actually so nice of you saying this to me, thank you so much for the prayers and the support trust me, it means so much :))

      For sure, you'll going through more and more beautiful journey, just enjoy every moment in life, while keeping the hard work!

      Good luck for you too, thank youuuu


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