A Question To My Self.


I woke up this morning, watching the sun goes up, and thinking about a lot of things. No, I’m not thinking about someone, I think about my own self. What do I have done all this time? Nothing or something? Do I really do something? Or I just feel like doing something? I still do not understand. All this time I never feel like DO something that I love. I just do, oh ya I remember I do something, I do prayer and I also do my math homework, something that I like. And I also do watching youtube, yes I DO what I love. But the thing that still goes around my head is, is that something I need and I love to do? I still do not know bout that, I still lost inside of that question.

I totally still do not know what’s really going on now, what something I really want to do?  I still don’t know.

Anyway, can you answer this, do you really do something you need to do and something that you love? Or you just feel like doing it? Cause it’s really 2 different things. Do you have already found out what you really want to do? 

Ps. : if you feel like want to answer that, write on the comment box down below, thanks.

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  1. mungkin butuh eksplore banyak kak,
    gue juga nggak tau sebenernya udah menemukan atau belum. Tapi dari yang udah gue eksplore sih, yang paling gue suka gambar dan yg gue rasa bisa matematika.. berhubung gue ngerasa bosen kalo kuliahnya matematika, jadi gue ambil arsi.. semangat kakk

    1. iya nih kayanya harus explore lebih lagi, terima kasih semangatnya :)


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