School Trip To JOGJA!


This kind of machine is definitely my fave of all things in TAMAN PINTAR 

Tempat foto ter-mainstream tapi ter-wajib di Jogja
Another tempat foto ter-mainstream
The beautiful goodbye from DIY's sky. (I'm in love)

AAH, finally it’s the last chapter of the School trip post L kinda sad but also happy that I can finish it already hahaha. Anyway I’m thinking to upload a post that contain all pictures from the school trip that I haven’t uploaded yet in any of my social media, and contain so many beautiful pictures taken by me, and my friends, so if you guys interested in that, you can comment or DM me on my Instagram hahaha. I will make it if there are lots of people want to see, cause the pictures are all BEAUTIFUL and so GOOD. Definitely will just upload it, but I need your opinion hehe. Okay, let’s get started!

Third (LAST) City, JOGJA

Well, kalo Bandung ama Jakarta masih pertama kali, Jogja jadi satu-satunya kota yang udah aku kunjungi 3 kali sama school trip ini. But still Jogja has it special place in my heart. Jogja itu buatku keluarga, karena alm. Kakekku itu dari Jogja. So Jogja is special places that I’ll always miss and want to comeback.

Ngomongin Jogja, tentu saja yang paling kentel itu BUDAYA-nya. Iya Jawa Tengah khususnya Jogja adalah satu tempat paling dapet “Jawa”-nya di kawasan pulau Jawa yang terdiri dari Jawa Barat, Timur plus Tengah. Dan iya kenapa aku jadi ngetiknya alus banget hahaha, kebawa suasana merindu Jogja nih!

Apa yang aku suka dari Jogja? Semuanya sih. Mulai dari hawanya, ramenya, suasananya, sampe orang-orangnya. I FREAKING LOVE JOGJA. Jogja has marked a lot of love inside my heart padahal masi baru tiga kali kesana. Tapi semua kenangan pergi ke Jogja adalah kenangan terindah yang pernah ada wkwkwk, iya alay tapi gak norak #SIYAP.

Little story nih guys, jadi as another school trip kalo ke Jogja, pasti tujuannya itu mainstream iya TAMAN PINTAR. Tapi walaupun mainstream, aku gak pernah bosen am ataman pintar, ya seru aja gitu wkwkwk. Yang paling aku suka dari taman pintar adalah karena banyak mainannya, but unfortunately tahun ini masih sama seperti 3 tahun lalu, belum sempet nyobaik masuk ke bioskopnya taman pintar. But over all, I always enjoy Taman Pintar. Dan lagi another mainstream places, MALIOBORO, yaudah si ke Jogja gak ke Malioboro itu ibarat pake seragam tanpa dasi, iya GAK LENGKAP wkwkwk. Tapi sekarang Malioboro udah tambah bagus deh kayanya, and I met a lot of incredible people di Malioboro. Alhamdulillah-nya kunjungan ke Jogja kali ini meningkatkan level speaking-ku. Special thanks go to all people that I met and talked to in Malioboro J

Lastly, Jogja is SPECIAL for me, thanks for the memory. It has been a really beautiful memories in 2018, well now after this school trip, I need to work harder again ahahha. Well, PRAY HARD, WORK HARD, PLAY HARD. Kerinduanku akan menjalar, sampai jumpa lain waktu Jakarta, Bandung dan Jogja. You’ve got my heart J

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